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Express TOEIC A&B 2023
2020 TOEIC Add-on
Addon Textbook
01_1 Test Formats _Photographs (18:33)
01_2 Test formats _Question-responses (26:36)
01_3 Test formats _Conversations (37:18)
01_4 Test formats_Talks (26:04)
01_5 Test formats_Incomplete Sentences (10:27)
01_6 Test formats_Text-completions (23:06)
01_7 Test formats_Reading Passages (47:34)
02 Time Management (13:07)
03_1 Conversations_Conversations with 3 speakers (31:48)
03_2 Conversations_Meaning Implication Questions (65:38)
03_3 Conversations_Questions linking to a graphic (46:45)
04_1 Talks_Meaning Implication Questions (66:48)
04_2 Talks_Questions linking to a graphic (52:00)
05_Text-completions (97:32)
06_1 Reading Passages_Chat Messages (53:05)
06_2 Reading Passages_Sentence Insertion (51:53)
06_3 Reading Passages_ Triple Passages (124:36)
Express A: Reading Comprehension
Express A Textbook
Part 5: Incomplete Sentences 1/5 (61:14)
Part 5: Incomplete Sentences 2/5 (106:38)
Part 5: Incomplete Sentences 3/5 (105:05)
Part 5: Incomplete Sentences 4/5 (95:40)
Part 5: Incomplete Sentences 5/5 (137:42)
Part 6: Text-Completions 1/2 (35:07)
Part 6: Text-Completions 2/2 (37:45)
Part 7: Reading Passages 1/3 (141:47)
Part 7: Reading Passages 2/3 (57:25)
Part 7: Reading Passages 3/3 (95:34)
Express A: Listening Comprehension
Part 1: Photographs 1/2 (51:17)
Part 1: Photographs 2/2 (28:25)
Part 2: Question-responses 1/2 (70:22)
Part 2: Question-responses 2/2 (50:38)
Part 3: Conversations 1/2 (41:41)
Part 3: Conversations 2/2 (88:27)
Part 4: Talks 1/2 (31:42)
Part 4: Talks 2/2 (63:01)
Express B: Reading Comprehension
Express B Textbook
Part 5: Incomplete Sentences 1/4 (106:18)
Part 5: Incomplete Sentences 2/4 (129:01)
Part 5 Incomplete Sentences 3/4 (125:12)
Part 6: Text-completions (56:33)
Part 7: Single Passages (84:03)
Part 7: Double Passages (40:00)
Part 7 Triple Passages (68:39)
Express B: Listening Comprehension
Part 1: Photographs (25:05)
Part 2: Question-responses (38:39)
Part 3: Conversations (77:44)
Part 4: Talks (67:27)
Part 5: Incomplete Sentences 1/5
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